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REIF – Real Estate Investment Fund for 12-20% Assured Returns

Investment Options

Real Estate Investment Fund I

Invest in the best-ever real estate investment option through REIF to get high and safe tax-free returns. REIF is setting up highly profitable exotic horticulture plantations. So now you can also fulfil your dream of owning a plantation without the hassle. Here is what you get:

  • Yearly Returns – 20% XIRR guaranteed
  • Security – A piece of farmland secures your investment, you get 0.05 hectares/100,000 INR investment in case of default
  • Liquidity – Exit any time you wish instantly, and you don’t have to worry about paper works and buyers
  • Flexible Ticket Size – Invest any amount according to your portfolio
  • Pride – Pride of owning a farmland and tasting your fruit is unparalleled ❤️
  • Proof – Get the proof of investment and all terms on legally enforceable Indian E-Stamp paper


12-20% Returns

Invest with confidence in the fertile grounds of India, where your capital nurtures more than just crops—it cultivates wealth. Our meticulously designed real estate investment fund targets robust annual returns of 12-20%. You get returns not just by asset appreciation, but also because of production from this real estate. So, it’s not just one engine of growth, multiple growth engines are employed to give you staggering returns!

100% Land Ownership

Unlike other assets, your investment isn’t in the air, it’s in the land 😉 You eventually become the owner of the real estate you invest in! We acquire highly strategic and valuable agricultural lands that historically appreciate over time, effectively minimizing the potential for capital depreciation. With every inch of terrain under your name, you gain the stability of a tangible asset that can serve as a legacy for generations.

100% Pride

Embark on an investment journey that transcends mere financial gains. Imagine strolling through flourishing orchards, witnessing firsthand the fruits of your investment. It’s not just about growing wealth; it’s about cultivating a connection to the land and contributing to India’s agricultural legacy. Join us in reaping the rewards, both financial and the satisfaction of nurturing the earth. Your investment will be a testament to prosperity and a flourishing harvest.







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Some more convincing points…

0% Downside Risk

Unlike stock markets, your investment in REIF won’t correct by -15%, our valuable agricultural lands always go up in value, effectively minimizing the potential for capital depreciation, recession or market correction.

Steady Income

Unlike volatility in the stock market, the Indian horticulture sector has seen a steady growth in income with horticulture overtaking food grains in production volume. Farming of exotic provides guaranteed high stable income!

10-15% Asset Appreciation

Unlike the plant and machinery of listed companies, Indian farmland has seen an average annual appreciation of about 10-15% in the past decade, though this can vary widely by region.


With REIF, liquidity concerns become a thing of the past. We offer a unique buyback option after a one-year holding period, a feature rarely matched by other real estate investments, ensuring your capital remains agile.

Recession Proof Investment

While industries may falter during economic downturns, our farmland investments remain robust, with 2020-21 statistics showing a 1.5% real estate growth and consistent crop sales, unaffected by recessions that destabilize other markets.


Diverging from the volatility of traditional equities, Indian farmland provides a unique asset class, to counterbalance your portfolio against market flux with minimal correlation to stock and bond markets.

Low Volatility

Our farmland investments stand as an oasis of stability in the erratic desert of securities trading, demonstrating far less volatility and providing a steady course amidst market storms.

ESG Compliance

In an age where sustainability is paramount, our investments adhere to and champion Environmental, Social, and Governance standards, in stark contrast to many industries that remain scrutinized for unsustainable practices.

Demand Stability

Whereas consumer trends and technological evolution can render products and services obsolete overnight, our investments anchor in the unwavering necessity for food in a populous nation, ensuring perpetual demand.

Long Term Growth

Unlike technology and consumer goods sectors facing rapid obsolescence, the timeless nature of agriculture ensures consistent long-term growth, with the Indian farmland’s contribution being pivotal in meeting the nation’s increasing food demand.

Operational Leverage

Our operational scale and support by government initiatives set us apart from smaller market players and tech startups, allowing for cost-efficient expansion and robust margins.

Renewable Resources

As opposed to finite resources like fossil fuels which industries rely upon, our investment revolves around renewable produce, meeting global food demands sustainably and profitably.

Supply Chain Control

Unlike consumer retail chains susceptible to global logistics disruptions, our locally managed supply chain for produce minimizes risks and maximizes efficiency.

Food Security Contribution

Your investment serves a critical social impact, contributing to India’s food security, a stark contrast to other investments that may not directly address societal needs.

Inflation Hedge

Unlike bonds or fixed-income securities whose real returns can be eroded by inflation, our agricultural investments directly benefit from inflationary pressures with rising food prices enhancing the value of your returns.

What Investors Say

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I’ve always been apprehensive about market fluctuations, but investing with REIF has brought an unexpected level of stability and impressive returns to my investment portfolio. It’s not just profit; it’s the peace of mind in knowing my investment in farmland is secure and growing.

Ujjawal Chauhan, Founder, Bengaluru

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Making the transition from volatile stock markets to this agricultural investment fund has been one of my smartest financial decisions that aligns with my ethos of ethical investing. And the additional tax benefits and steady asset appreciation is the cherry on top.

Harsh Vardhan Singh, Founder, Delhi

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What sets this fund apart for me is their commitment to customer satisfaction and detailed attention to the nuances of agricultural investment. Their expertise has made land ownership not just accessible, but a significant and rewarding part of my investment strategy.

Bibin Babu, Sales Head, Dubai

Our Partners

Unlocking Your Real Estate Potential with a Team of Experts

When it comes to making impactful decisions in the realms of real estate, marketing, sales, and agriculture, you need a team of experts by your side. Our knowledgeable professionals have honed their skills and expertise in these industries, allowing us to offer you unparalleled support and guidance.

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